Official opening of PEOPLEs GARDEN, 13 August 2008
Bring a plant from your own garden and help to create
People’s Garden at Odense Harbour.

Artist Tine Louise Kortermand and Garden designer Allan Brøndsholm Hansen
invites everyone from Odense suburbs to come up with a plant from their own garden.
The aim is to transplant the suburb plants into a new 'People's Garden'.

The mission is to build a garden in one of the ‘forgotten’ spaces in the urban environment,
which no one has taken position to yet - between the Harbour Front and blocks of newly
constructed corporate headquarters and residential development.

beton på havnen

People's Garden is situated right by Skibssmeden
Tværkajen 4 – 6, 5000 Odense C, Denmark


The newly planted garden should be a little oasis where you can come and unwind by the harbor
- And see how your plant grows - and even look after and cuddle on the plant ... a kind of free
space at the port.

There will be gardening tools, watering cans, etc. that people can use.


Watch the video on how to dig up your plants, pack it and
transport it correctly to give it the best living conditions in
People’s Garden.

Indgang til Folkets Have

Official Opening of 'People's Garden' on Wednesday 13 August 2008
by artist Tine Louise Kortermand & Garden designer Allan Brøndsholm Hansen

Entertaining speeches was delivered by the artist Tine Louise Kortermand.
Culture cheif Ellen Drost cut the green string.
Allan Brøndsholm Hansen tells about the People’s Garden vision.

Officiel åbning

Gull's Høstanamone and Jörg's Broadleaved Bamboo from Nørre Åby.
Each plant will have a name taged with's last name and zip code from the area it comes from,
so everyone can recognize their plant once the garden starts to grow.

Publikum kommer med deres planter

planter med skilte

Chief Curator of the Odense City Museums Ejnar Askgaard contributed with a plant
of special provenance. A cutting of an Ivy, as Andersen toke from a plant at Holsteinborg in 1856.

Ejnar Askgaard med H. C. Andersens Efeu

Tine og Ejnar finder en passende plads til Efeuen

H. C. Andernsens Efeu

The serving of hot dishes from the kitchen garden. The Squas cake prepared by Connie, the
Bean Salad prepared by Kristina, Beetroot soup and freshly baked bread prepared by Ruth.

Lune retter fra køkkenhaven

Ruth's Russisk Rødbedesuppe

Melon smoothies

Havetegneren og Asta med Bregnen

Diana's Hibiscus from her balcony in Bolbro stands on the table ready for a new life in
People’s Garden. Tine writes a name tag to Amalie’s Carnation.

Amalie med hvide nelliker

Tine and Allan with Amalie’s Carnation

Tine med Amalies Nellike

Amalie’s Carnation, Diana's Hibiscus and Lene's Marguerite & Knob Mountain Herb.

Dianas Hibiscus fra altanen i Bolbro

During the opening and August months, more than 70 plants from near and far was brought to
People’s Garden. Ellen Drost sticks a pin in the map.

ida's august blomst

Aeollum from Malta and Suzanne's Strawberry from Skibhus.

plante fra Malta

Aster's Sommerens sidste farvel

Gerda's Genuine Chestnut from Vemmenæs, Tåssinge.
The count would come and collect the first chestnuts out of the parent tree every fall.

Ægte Kastajne fra Tåssinge


Vivi's Rose from Hessbjerg

Vivis Rose fra Hessbjerg

Rosen får sin plads i Folkets Have

Vivi's Rose har skudt i vejret

vandkande, planteske og vandopsamlingstank

Everyone is welcome to bring a plant to People’s Garden. There are water jug, water collection
tank, garden tools, benches, where you can eat your lunch ... Take a power nap in the hammock
after lunchtime. (People’s Garden does not exist anymore)


The project is supported by:
The Arist-run projectspace Granat;
Odense Kommune, Kultur 2008
Syddansk Regionale Kulturpulje and

Odense Flowerfestival