Jane and the Jungle Boogie

Words like ozone layer and CO2 may seem very abstract. But the smell of purple
lilac and the wind in your hair – those are experiences we can all relate to.
”Jane and the Jungle Boogie” is a music- and art project that focuses on
peoples mild, wild and fantastic experiences in nature.

Jane in Århus
Collecting plants to furnish Jane's new 'jungle home' in Womens Museum.

Photos: Kirstine Mengel

Over a longer period, the artist Tine Louise Kortermand (dressed as Jane) has been
knocking on people's doors to borrow potted plants to furnish Jane's new 'jungle home'.
She asked the owners of the potted plants if they would tell her about one of their own
experiences of nature.

'Jane' has been creating songs based on their experiences. The songs focus on
sceneries in nature, that you couldn't imagine living without - and in that way she
makes the debate on climate changes more present and tangible.

The songs are a tribute to nature, and is arranged by artist, composer and singer
Tine Louise Kortermand and percussionist Marilyn Mazur. The songs stretch from
lyrical and meditative images of nature into rhythmic sequences containing a rocking
jungle beat.

Jane and the Jungle Boogie LIVE

The collected plants and a video installation serves as a set design for the songs.
"Jane and the Jungle Boogie" is a 50 minute live concert - a total experience –
a mix between performance, video installation, narrative, romance and cool realism.

Jane and the Jungle Boogie home

Jane and Tarzan
Jane in conversation with Tarzan about the dillemma of culture and nature.

Songs like Fanø's Bird Pink Floyd, Lady's Slipper, square black clouds, the pulse of
a flock of geese, the smell of rain, little elves in a snowstorm and the northern lights,
a night on the high seas between New Zealand and Australia, dancing deer, the taste
of cherries, overlooking Køge Bay, life under water and getting lost in the savannah,
are some of the memoirs of nature that people have related.

Marilyn Mazur

Percussionist Marilyn Mazur is – besides her own projects – known to have played together with
musicians such as Miles Davis, Wayne Shorter and Jan Garbarek.
See link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgZ9AANmAtI

Artist and singer Tine Louise Kortermand is best known for her many art and performance projects,
and the music critic praised debut album RUMSKIB, which is released in the U.S. and Japan.
See link: www.rumskib.org

Tine Louise Kortermand

"Jane and the Jungle Boogie". Live 1 December 2009.
(15 minutes summary. Flashvideo 120 Mb)

Listen to radio coverage of "Jane and the Jungle Boogie" on the
Danish State Radio, "P1 Morning". Wednesday 16 December 2009
and Culture News on P2, 16 December pm. 15:30.

Jane and the Jungle Boogie
Excerpts from text by Camilla Jalving
from the magazine "VITAVRAP - lifestyle". October 2009.

The music performance is an important part of Kortermands expression.
However the kernel is to be found in the meetings, when the artist goes
knocking on people's doors collecting potted plants and inviting people to tell
about their experiences in nature. – As another anthropologist, she draws
out the world. The nature memoirs, which she collects, she transforms
into songs and music. And the potted plants become a concrete part
of the concert staging; Janes new jungle home.

You can, with a concept from the 90's art theory, denote Kortermand's
practice as relational, as far as relations between people and the social
space which they are part of becomes her actual material.


Womens Museum in Denmark
Domkirkepladsen 5
8000 Århus C/Denmark
12 October - 23 October 2010

Skibssmeden - Scene for new art, music and lyrics
Tværkajen 4-6, 5000 Odense Havn/Denmark
1 December 2009
Hours: 20:00 - 21:00

Kunsthal Charlottenborg
Nyhavn 2, 1051 Copenhagen/Denmark
16 December 2009
Hours: 19:30 - 20:10

(Free admission, but please bring one of your potted plants for Jane)

The Climate project “Jane and the Jungle Boogie” is organised by: 
Klimaforum09 and Centre for Yoga and Meditation. In cooperation
with the project space "Granat".

"Jane and the Jungle Boogie" is supported by:
Centre for Yoga and Meditation, Granat, Fehrs Fond, Statens Kunstfond – Tonekunstudvalget
for Rytmisk Musik, Odense Kommune KULTUR, Asta Elisa Jahn Resting and One2One.