Botanist and zoologist Carl von Linnaeus lived during the 1800s. He is known to have collected plants and categorized them into species and families. Today Linnaeus is considered to be the father of modern ecology.
Composition for stick insects, vocal and loopstation.
"Tribute to Linnaeus” was composed on the principle concrete music, in which everyday sounds are sampled and put in a musical course – like a stream of consciousness. - As water trickles into all cracks - a motion in all directions. A brain in cross sections, storage of past, present, future. Instincts operating … like electronic impulses. Multiple layers … like an old messy photo album.
I have used "Brunemarken" - a book by Tal R. released on space poetry - as scores for the composition. The book consists entirely of odd garden photos. Inspired by these photos, I have written a composition. The mood expressed in the photos leaves me with the notion I have of Linnaeus, who went around in the Northern of Sweden to discover new plants during the 1800s. I imagine that his life almost fused with the nature.
The creature that I could imagine approaches such an 'organic-Linnaeus' mode are
the stick insects! - They are fused together so closely with the plant kingdom, it can be difficult to see the difference between animal kingdom and plant kingdom.
"Tribute to Linnaeus - transmission Stick Insects" is a 30 minutes sound performance with dancing stick insects, which is filmed and broadcast on the monitor. (When you play very
deep drones the stick insects starts swaying rhythmically ... as if they are dancing).
"Tribute to Linnaeus” is a mix between poetry, radio theater, concrete music, spoken words
and lyrical songs about water life and plants.
Excerpt from 45 minutes
live performance by
Tine Louise Kortermand
"Tribute to Linnaeus”
Composition for vocal
and loop station
24 April 2009
This song is originally
composed in 2007 for
a science theater piece.
Composition, lyrics and
vocal by Tine Kortermand.
Arrangement by electronic
musician Hans Sydow.
(3:30 min. Flash video, 22 mb)
Composition, lyrics and vocal: Tine Louise Kortermand
Dance: 7 Stick Insects
Time and place:
26 June 2009, Jazz elektronisk festival ”Club OFF”, The Culture Machine, Odense/Denmark
24 April 2009, Galleri Rasmus, Odense/Denmark (Carl Von Linné theme-exhibition)