Modern Woman
Talking about dilemmas of living a modern life, while
jumping on the trampoline and putting on make-up ...


The performance revolves around the dilemma of what its like to be
a modern woman - to live a single life. Being independent, but still
yearning after a nuclear family, husband and children.


I'm a modern woman
although I'm not sure
I want to be one

I'm single
I am independent
The money I earn
is just for my own consumption
The time I have
I spent with my friends and myself

I'm a modern woman
Although I'm not sure
I want to be one

I work a lot
Also on Saturday ... and Sundays
In my spare time I study a master degree
to get my dream job abroad

All the things I do
I do for my own sake

I always feel a little burnt out
and that's why I do not have energy
to involve in a relationship with a man

I'm a modern woman
although I'm not sure
I want to be one

I'm single
and I am independent

I'm a modern woman
... and then again, I am not

It is not modern
to be a nurse
I do not know if people really appreciate
the work I do
because it is hard and poorly paid

It is not because money in itself
is so important to me
but somehow
it tells how much you are appreciated in a society

I'm a modern woman
... and then again, I am not

Often I think
I want to do something more physical work
Like being in contact with nature

I really think
it is a form of therapy
to go out and dig in the ground
and get something to grow ...
And my garden really is a peaceful and lovely place

I would like to have children
but I just can not see how
if I’m going to work abroad ...
Right now it seems impossible for me

I'm a modern woman
although I'm not sure
I want to be one

I'm single
and I am independent

Time and place:
DASK GALLERY, Flæsketorvet, Copenhagen/Denmark. 2009.
Break the Ice. Performancesymposium, Reykjavik, Iceland. 2005.
BIPAF and KIPAF. Music and performance festivals, South Korea. 2003.
Theme exhibition 08:03, 'Mellemhallen', Brandts Klædefabrik, 8 March 2003.


(compilation of different performances and of "Modern Woman")