The event "From Earth to Heaven" is based on concrete and electro-musician Else Marie Pades unusual
life story and innovative music.
The event is located in a borderland between documentary live performance, sound and video installation.
In interaction with video installation - created by Tine Louise Kortermand - electro musician Hans Sydow
and Else Marie Pade moves in a universe of sounds between the concrete and the cosmic electronic music.
The title "From Earth to Heaven" refers to Else Marie's thoughts about concrete music, which is bound to
everyday sounds and electronic music, which is tied to the cosmic universe of sound.
The event "From Earth to Heaven" was divided into four life chapters of Else Marie's. One chapter consists
of video portrait "Everyday Sounds" that describe Else Marie Pades life and approach to music.
"From Earth to Heaven" was one of the evening events Kortermand produced and organized in connection
with clothes-action project "Women on T-shirts" at the interactive theme exhibition "Reality 10'55 Odense"
at Brandts Kunsthal. More info >>>
Tine Louise Kortermand
Electro- and concrete musician: Else Marie Pade
Elektro musician: Hans Sydow
Video installation, sound and performance: Tine Louise Kortermand
Time and place:
• 4 April 2006. Theme exhibition "Reality
10'55 Odense – new interactive relational art",
Kunsthallen Brandts, Odense.
• 2007. Portrait exhibition in Scandinavia starting at Frederiksborg Castle.
• 30 January 2009 – 21 February 2009. Odense Internationale Music Theatre, The Theatre House Odense.
Parts of the video screened in the show “Let’s Play Something Else with Someone Else”. |